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Resume Writing Tip: Customize your resume to match each position you apply to.

If you are looking at jobs that are all within the same industry, it is still important to tailor your resume so that it matches each specific job you apply to. By doing so, you give yourself a competitive edge over the resumes that hiring managers know are used for any and every job.

  • Get yourself introduced, or make contact through e-mail, a phone call, or a personalized letter. Inquire about current or upcoming opportunities. If you learn about a position, ask how to formally apply for it. In addition to the formal application, send a thank-you letter to the manager and include your resume. Follow up each application with a telephone call to the recipient to make sure your application was received.

  • Introduce yourself and be prepared to give your "career pitch." Extend your hand, say "hello" and state your name at job fair events. Have your resume ready to give to the employer. Be ready to talk about your career interests as well as work experiences to show your skills and strengths.

  • Let the interviewer direct the conversation. Answer questions clearly and in a positive manner. Show how your experience and training match-up with the job requirements.

    Ask when a decision will be made and if and when you should follow-up with a phone call. Thank the employer for the interview and reaffirm your enthusiasm for the job.

    Dress appropriately for a business meeting. Consider acquiring a good "interview outfit." It should be in good shape (including shined shoes) and fit properly and comfortably.

    Learn everything you can about the job and how well your previous experience, knowledge and training qualifies you for the position.

  • Research the company. Take a moment to read about the company and position details. Think of it as an early opportunity to show your stuff.

    Take the interview seriously. Do not taking calls from other people, do not allowed the interview to be interrupted by screaming children, or have the TV blaring in the background. Interviews on a cell phone should be private professional; do not ordered from a drive-through window during the phone interview! It is surprising how rude people can be.

Helpful Career Advice

  • Don’t disclose your pay requirements during the interview process. The first person to provide numbers establishes the range. If you give a number first, the interviewer will either tell you you’re in the same ballpark as him/her, or you’re too high.

  • Select business professional and business casual clothing at no cost or low-cost to you (Free Clothes Are Possible!) Click Here For Details

  • Self-assessments can help you see what types of careers are likely to fit you.An interest assessment can help you identify careers that meet your interests. Interest assessments usually ask you a series of questions about what you like and don't like to do. Then they match your likes and dislikes to careers. Free Assessment Click Here.

Michigan Career Training